Precedents and covenants
Western Radiology is bound by the privacy standards set forth by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR – the peak body for our industry). In addition, we subscribe and adhere to this privacy policy. We take your privacy and handling of your personal information seriously.
What we collect
Information we may collect about you can include:
- Names, date of birth, address, contact information.
- Medicare number (where available) for identification and rebate claiming purposes.
- Health fund details e.g., private health fund subscriptions.
- Healthcare identifiers e.g., Veteran’s affairs.
- Medical history; any current or previous medications, immunisations, allergies, any adverse events that have occurred in a medical setting, social history, family medical history and any associated risk factors.
Normally information will be collected from you personally. In some circumstances personal information may also be collected from other sources. This may include information from:
- Your guardian or responsible person.
- Other healthcare providers involved your care such as specialists, allied health practitioners, hospitals, community health services, pathology and diagnostic imaging providers.
- Health funds such as Medicare, or the Department of Veteran’s Affairs.
Why we need collect this information
We need to collect personal information to be able to provide healthcare services to you. Collecting personal information enables us to:
- Best manage our responsibilities in your health care journey.
- Provide feedback and reporting to providers who referred you to us and any others involved in you care journey.
- Refer you on to another party in consultation with your primary referrer.
- Correct handling, transmission and storage of your results and images.
In addition, we use this information to help us run internal processes effectively e.g., claims management and required reporting to government bodies.
How we use and may sometimes disclose your information to other parties (and why)
At times, we are obligated to share your personal information as part of the day-to-day running of our operation, for example:
- Health funds; Medicare, insurers or the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (as necessary).
- If it is impractical to obtain the patient’s consent due to extenuating circumstances.
- In complying with OH&S legislation within our operation and/ or public health or safety.
- If it is necessary to reduce the likelihood, or altogether prevent a threat life of a patient in our care.
- To assist law enforcement agencies in conducting their operations.
- In substantiating Western Radiology’s situation in respect of a legal claim or proceedings.
- If required by law (e.g., legal proceedings and court subpoenas).
- To support a confidential internal process or investigation, or other Human Resources related proceedings.
- To third parties Western Radiology contracts to provide services to it for its day-to-day operations.
- Adherence to legally mandated disclosure policies e.g., infectious disease control.
Disclosure of information outside Australia
Your personal information may be shared outside of Australia if:
- Your requesting practitioner is located overseas.
- If requested by you.
- If you are participating in a clinical trial whose results are yet to be published.
If your information is shared outside of Australia, protections under Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s Privacy Act (1988) shall apply.
What happens if you do not consent to providing your information
Depending on the information being withheld, Western Radiology may be unable, or may elect not to provide services. Alternatively, Western Radiology may delay provision of its services while it seeks to resolve obtaining the required information, in consultation with the patient themselves, or others (personal, medical or legal) connected with them.
Accessing your collected information
The information collected may be viewed upon request, at which time you may request its correction if necessary. Any such request must be made in writing to Western Radiology, 810 North Lake Road, Cockburn Central, 6164. Western Radiology will reply to you in writing within a 30-day time period.
Complaints about the collection or handling of your information
These should also be made in writing and will be addressed with a 30-day time period.
Address: Western Radiology, 810 North Lake Road, Cockburn Central, 6164.
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